I've been a dentist since 1995 when I qualified from the Royal London Dental Hospital. Since then I've worked in both the Community Dental Service and in General Dental Practice in various locations across London and the Midlands. I also worked as a dental nurse when I was at University so have a real appreciation of how difficult my nursing colleagues jobs can be at times. In the last 25 years + I have managed to acquire a Masters Degree in Pain Management and also a Certificate in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry as well as attending many courses in various different dental subjects including anterior aesthetic orthodontics. If you want to know the type of treatments I offer then please take a look at the "treatments" section of the website. If you have any questions then feel free to send a message or email
Outside of the surgery I am Vice Chair of the Local Dental Committee (LDC) and also Chair of the British Dental Associations (BDA) Associates Group and also a member of the General Dental Practitioners Committee at the BDA. All these roles keep me up to date with the ever changing world of dentistry.
Most of my "outside" work life is taken up with travelling with my partner Wayne, spending time with my family and friends and organising my rescue dog Robbie's social life. He particularly enjoys his play dates with our dental nurse Ellie's doggies Bella and Maddie (we can't get a photo of the three of them together as they don't stop playing).